Sunday, June 3, 2007

It Takes Two To Make Things Right

"Building Your Mate's Self Esteem" By Achi Amaechi

The hallmark of a successful life is in how many lives we have been able to touch and affect. What difference does it make for our existence if we are unable to affect and influence people positively? We are true stewards of our calling when we share our love, time, knowledge, our all for the benefit of mankind. A true friend is always there – like the popular saying – always there in need.

Your friend or mate’s Self Esteem is dwindling, drifting and you want to make sure you do all in your capacity to build or re-build it. Here are some fundamentals about Self Esteem. Make him/her understand that self acceptance is the first requisite to great undertakings. That other people’s opinion about himself does not have to be his reality.

Make him understand that building Self Esteem is the most important thing we can do for ourselves in order to get what we want from life and be happy. Let him know that life’s too short to waste on low Self Esteem and all the negative effects it has on his success, harmony and well being.

Finally, let him know that if he doesn’t take care of his Self Esteem, nothing else can help him create real success, not at the long run. When you’re done with that, guide him through the following –

Ø Be kind to yourself. If something goes well, reward yourself. If it goes badly. Learn from your mistakes.

Ø Write a list on things you are good at – and read it – many times over and over again. Autosuggestion is self suggestion, it is the only known way we can induce our subconscious. Your attitude comes from the subconscious. So if you can control it by making repeated positive words into them, then you’ve got a winner.

Ø Train yourself to give compliments to others and when you receive one, say “thank you”
That’s it on Building your mate’s Self Esteem. For a complete insider secret to building and increasing your Self Esteem, visit

Achi will painstakingly help you in your quest to increase your self-worth, self confidence and your self esteem, find more inspiring articles at his site,
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