Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Step 1: Awareness.

After 3 years of waddling through the ups and downs of trading, I've come to realize that the only reason why I didn't get I want is due to a lack of clarity. There were no goals defined. I simply made a mental note that "I want this! I want that! Ooh! That sounds exciting!"

Times spent reflecting back on my life mirrored a haphazard approach to almost everything I've set out to do thus far! There was lack of focus and I found myself chasing after the next hype that's being offered by smart marketers in the market! They made money. I didn't. And yep, after 6 years since graduation, I haven't accomplish much to be proud of.

I've come to realize the importance of a 'game plan'. This will give me a clearer picture of what I'm suppose to do while at the same time remind me of what I wish to accomplish. Simple right? Quite the contrary actually.

For most people, this could be the hardest part - Defining exactly what you want. Millionaire and world renowned author of "The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind", T. Harv Eker mentioned that the only reason why people do not get what they want is because they don't really know what they want!

That's definitely one of the best resources I'd recommend reading.

It's great to be able to list our wants and wishes, the other tricky part is to really state our why's. Why do you want that brand new car? What's wrong with the current one? It's working just fine right?

Well, the mental tussle between Mediocrity & Excellence is usually an emotional one. Our dreams usually get tested by 'voices of reality', ie. well-meaning friends, family and maybe the media. The good news is, it's your mind and you're in charge!

Successful living goes beyond positive thinking. Your words, actions and feelings must match up. Ah well, I guess that's saved for the next entry on this blog.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Waddling Through The Rough Times

Achieving Success Through Chaos
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=David_Strangward] David Strangward

Chaos theory explains (or attempts to) why simple systems become complex, why small changes in the starting position can make massive differences to results. Before Chaos theory, classical physics and mathematics assumed in real world systems that the cause and effect could be directly related and predicted that is, by understanding the inputs could you reliably predict the outputs.

For instance, classical theory suggested that if you knew the temperature, humidity, wind direction, surface temperature etc, you could predict the weather, all you need is a computer large enough take this information and perform the millions of complex calculations to predict the weather. We now understand, through Chaos Theory that small changes in the inputs (such as temperature) can produce enormous differences in the result, that could not be predicted by the computer running the model.

Using the weather example, a change in temperature of 1 degree may produce thunderstorms or cyclones that would not be predicted by the Classical model.

Chaos in our Life
As a human being, you are governed by the same laws as all of nature, so Chaos Theory is equally applicable in your life. You may this manifest in a chance meeting with an old friend, this may result in a followup catching up, exploring common interests and starting a business together. This idea of chance encounters and different results has been explored in numerous films, books, poetry and discussions, in reality Chaos Theory is science starting to explain things that we all know to be true.

Taking Chaos Further
Chaos Theory goes further though and finds that within the ensuing uncertainty, repeating patterns or order do occur, though these may not be visible initially. We can understand that in our own lives, when unpredictable events happen, which seem to have no order, over time we start to see the patterns and order, indeed overtime we find that these become our new patterns and order.

Making Chaos work for You
The first lesson from Chaos is that by making small changes in your life you can affect changes that you cannot predict, meaning some changes may produce limited results, others may produce results out of all proportion to the change.

The second lesson from Chaos is that even out of unpredictable, uncertain results, with time you will find the order and the pattern, and you must give yourself the time to find the patterns.

The hidden or reverse law of Chaos is that if you do not make constant, minor changes in your life you will reduce the likelihood that huge, unpredictable and beneficial results will come your way.

Success Exercise
First, think about 3 small changes that you could make today (eg. using your mouse in your other hand, driving a different way home, reading a book you wouldn’t normally read). The purpose of the exercise is to start to introduce constant change into your life.

Second, commit yourself to doing something new or different everyday.

David is a Director of Success Learning a highly successful personal and professional development company. They are specialists in helping people to create the life they could only dream about. By guiding people to leverage the many resources already at their disposal they uncover new behaviors and opportunities for people.

For more articles on building your success go to [http://www.successlearning.com.au/index.php?id=49 ] successlearning.com.au

If you would like to multiply your achievement consider the advantages of coaching: [http://www.successlearning.com.au/index.php?id=44 ] successlearning.com.au

Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=David_Strangward ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Strangward
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Make Change Stick-Permanently.

Essentials Ensuring Success In Change
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Cox] Andrew Cox

There are eight essentials ensuring success in change. They are about changing behavior, attitudes and personal skills - the most challenging and difficult kinds of change to make, but also the most effective and rewarding. We're not dealing with the act of acquiring something – billions of dollars worth of software,exercise equipment, books, tools, and processes are gathering dust because the people that bought them confused hope with results. They did not follow through with the eight essentials for change – the goals, actions, persistence and determination to make real differences in individual and organizational behavior.

Essential 1. Realize there are four stages in all change processes. These four stages occur in every successful change initiative - from losing ten pounds, to the adoption of new ways of doing business, to working with a new boss or new owners. Remember them and use them to ensure your success.

Stage One – Enthusiasm – This stage is characterized by high energy, commitment, high expectations and aggressive goals. This is the stage driven by opportunity and the commitment to meeting aggressive goals.

Stage Two – Frustration – This stage is characterized by a reduction in enthusiasm, frustration with dates and goals missed or delayed, the beginning of friction and blaming, the stage where energy declines and initial commitment is questioned.

Stage Three – Renewal – This is the stage where the lessons of the first two stages help create an experience - based set of goals and expectations that lead to success. This is where individual leadership and determination and persistence take center stage and create a renewed energy and commitment.

Stage Four– Success –In this stage success becomes the norm rather than the exception. Goals are being met; the lessons learned from the first three stages are being applied; and things are looking good. Celebration of big successes arising from small successes begins. Evaluation of the process for use in future projects occurs.

The remaining 7 Essentials are the personal behaviors, attitudes and skills that will ensure success in any change process or project or initiative. They're not easy – but working to adopt these behaviors, attitudes and personal skills will create success.

Essential 2– Persistence and determination – nothing will support personal and professional change more than the determination to see the process to its successful end – and the persistence to “Press On” through all four stages.

Essential 3 – Choice - while many changes are beyond individual control, we always, and I mean always, have the freedom to choose how to deal with and respond to change. This is the most important belief we can have. To the extent that change is embraced and accepted and seen as being helpful we will prosper – in many ways.

Essential 4 – Set yourself up to succeed. Big successes start with a series of small successes. The big picture may be fuzzy, but you can establish goals and expectations for yourself that will lead toward success. In setting up realistic, time measured, specific, results driven goals you can celebrate small successes on the way to big success. It is essential for your own energy and motivation to do that

Essential 5 – Replace judging behavior with evaluation of results. Judging is one of the worst behaviors anyone can practice. Why? Any individual shares the same behavior profile with no more than 10% to 20% of the population. When we judge others based on behavior, we are judging based on how we would do something, not how others may do it, and we stand the chance of being wrong 80% to 90% of the time! Create a results - driven climate to help ensure evaluation is based on performance to goals and expectations.

Essential 6 – Replace assumptions with expectations. Just like judging based on behavior, we will be wrong about 80% to 90% of the time if we assume that others hear things the same way we do, or see them the same way, or interpret them the same way. Create expectations – communicate them – or communicate a clear understanding of them – and clear away a lot of the “fog” that gets in the way of creating the results necessary for success.

Essential 7 – Communicate – communicate – communicate. When you think you have communicated enough, communicate some more. Identify the “universe” of people that you work with; that you work for; that work for you; that support your work; and whose work you support. Create channels of communication with all of them. The more trust created through communication with that “universe”, the more time becomes available to meet individual and organizational goals..

Essential 8– ACT!!! All the plans and communications and intentions mean nothing without specific, energetic action to meet requirements. Act today – today is all there is – accomplish goals today, and success will follow.

Remember this: The only security anyone has – individually, professionally or collectively, is in accomplishments. The more change is embraced and made to work for us, the more opportunities for accomplishment will be offered, and those accomplishments are the number one source of success, security and competitive advantage.

Andy Cox and the Cox Consulting Group have been helping clients define, implement and succeed in change , on an individual, team and organizational level since 1995. Click on [http://www.coxconsultgroup.com] http://www.coxconsultgroup.com for more information.

Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Cox ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Cox
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Beat The Odds!

Success - How to Succeed When No One Thinks You Can
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn] Jason Osborn

There will be times in your life when you are pressing for success and no one around you thinks you have what it takes to get it. This can be a lonely time but you can’t let it stop you from reaching your goals and dreams. Here are a few keys to help you to succeed when no one else thinks you can.

1. Remember why you are doing this.

You have to constantly remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. Others may be telling you that you can’t succeed and that there is no reason to keep going, but if you know why then you won’t quit. As long as you don’t let people make you forget your purpose you will succeed.

2. Seek out supporters.

Sometimes the reason why people don’t believe in you anymore is because you have outgrown their beliefs. You see some of your friends and family won’t grow with you so how can they believe at your same level? Seek out people that have done great things and know what it’s like to accomplish them. These types of people will believe in you when it seems like no one else will.

3. Don’t quit.

This can be one of the hardest things to not do. It’s easy to quit. Just because that may seem like the easy thing to do doesn’t make it the right thing to do. If you really want to achieve success you have to be willing to keep going even when no one else thinks you will succeed. The greatest successes come when you don’t give up.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason Osborn has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn
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Follow The Leader!

Success Quote - This Leader of the 20th Century Can Still Set An Example for You To Follow
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Kevin_J._John] Kevin J. John

"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world ... as in being able to remake ourselves."
Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century. He pioneered the concept of resistance through civil disobedience which led to the downfall of British rule in India and the birth of the modern nation.

He is recognised as the father of the nation and his birthday is celebrated every year as the festival of Gandhi Jayanti. Gandhi’s civil protest movement has inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

This success quote from Gandhi is one of many pieces of wisdom from the great man. It is about his core philosophy that enabled him to make the remarkable achievements that he did.

Gandhi successfully organised a mass movement that bought down oppressive British rule. The British attempted to rule by force, imposing their will on the Indian people. Gandhi took the opposite stance and led by consent. His inner strength meant that people willing followed him.

Gandhi was recognised by the Indian people as Mahatma (great soul) or Bapu (father). He was able to lead the highly fractious political parties in their pursuit of independence through the strength of his personality.

A cornerstone of Gandhi’s philosophy was a deep commitment to constantly searching for universal truth. He was also driven by compassion for the suffering of his fellow man, including his fellow countrymen. He spent his whole life constantly working on improving himself to bring himself closer to that universal truth.

Gandhi led a life of self sacrifice and rigorous self discipline which gave him the inner strength to stand up for his principles in the face of all odds. He was even willing to accept rejection from the whole world to retain his integrity towards his ideals.

Gandhi’s belief system included the principles of human equality, non-violence, strong divine guidance and the need to live a good life. His belief system give him the strength to organise the civil disobedience campaign in India.

Reflect on this success quote from Mahatma Gandhi. How are you leading your life. Are you trying to achieve success or even greatness through forcing the world to your point of view? Do you need to work on yourself to increase your ability to attract people towards you?

Do you want to find more target=blank [http://www.achieving-your-dreams.com/articles/getart.php?id=19&cat=all&lay=20] success quotes?

You can get a free e-course [http://www.achieving-your-dreams.com/resources/ecourse/trsign.php?id=3] the success principle. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about [http://www.achieving-your-dreams.com] success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Kevin_J._John ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_J._John
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Success Psychology

Success - How Your Beliefs Create Success
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn] Jason Osborn

You are probably like most people and what to have as much success as you possibly can in your lifetime. The sad thing is that most people never even come close to having great success. If the truth be told, one of the main reasons you haven’t reached the level of success you want is because your beliefs aren’t where they need to be. I know that is a pretty bold statement since I don’t even know you.

However, if you think about it you real realize that a lot of the reason why you have failed at things in the past is because of what you believed. Your beliefs are a very powerful tool that can either aid you in creating success or they will aid you in failing. You see, everything you do you have some sort of belief in it.

You may have a very strong belief that you can achieve something and then at times you may believe that it’s impossible to achieve success on a certain thing. What happens is this. The more you believe something the more you unconsciously do things to support that belief. If you want to succeed at something than you need to truly believe in it no matter what.

Even when times get tough, you can’t let your belief in your abilities to succeed drop. You may not succeed the first time you try something but don’t let that change the way you believe. Learn from those failures and let it help you do it better the next time you try.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason Osborn has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn
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Failing Forward

Success - How to Turn Your Failures into Massive Success
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn] Jason Osborn

If you have failed at anything in life you are able to achieve massive success. This may sound like a strange statement but it is very true. Some of the biggest success stories you will ever hear come from failures. After all, a failure is only what you perceive it to be. If you think it is the end of the world then it is, but if you think it’s an opportunity then it will be. Here are a few ways to turn your failures into massive successes.

1. Focus on the solution.

It’s so easy so focus on what when wrong but success can often be found in finding the solution to your failure. By focusing on the solution you are keeping a success mentality and will be better prepared to recognize success when it presents itself.

2. Learn, learn, learn.

Failure is only failure when you don’t learn from it and apply what you have learned. You are doomed to repeat your failures if you never learn from them. You never know what one learning experience from a failure can do to help you succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

3. Focus on the future.

Failure has an amazing way of making you focus on the past and have regret in life. If you live in regret and the past you will never be able to seize all the opportunities that lay ahead of you. The greatest thing for you to do is start to look to the future and how you can use those failures to help you succeed. If you focus on the future you can’t be stuck in the past.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason Osborn has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Osborn
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